Since 2011, an electronic identity card (ID Card) is being issued in Georgia, which is a reliable, safe, high-tech identification document created in accordance with ICAO standards.


The electronic identity card can be used not only within the territory of the country for its intended purpose, but also as a travel document outside the country. Currently, the holders of electronic identity cards can travel to Ukraine, Republic of Turkey and Armenia. 

Which documents are needed to receive an ID Card? 


To receive an ID Card, an interested person should apply to any civil registry office, any branch of the Public Service Hall or use remote services

A person receiving an electronic identification card for the first time should submit to the territorial service or Public Service Hall the following documents: 


  • Birth Certificate; 
  • Biometric photo - size 3.5X4.5 cm, in electronic form (the photo can be taken on site);
  • The basis for registration, which implies specifying registration address, or registering without specific address (if a person under the age of 18 registers together with parents, guardian, caretaker or another legal representative, the basis for registration is not required)


An electronic identification card can be received through remote services by a Georgian citizen present in Georgia, who has already received an electronic identity card or a biometric passport at least once before and it is possible to reuse the personal signature/data of the interested person for the purpose of re-issuing a new electronic identity card.


Detailed instructions on how to receive an ID Card remotely can be found on the following  link.


ID Card Issuing Period and Fee


  • Issuing on the 10th working day – GEL 60;
  • Issuing on the 5th working day – GEL 80;
  • Issuing on the 3rd working day – GEL 100;
  • Issuing on the 2nd working day – GEL 120;
  • Issuing on the same day – GEL 150.


In which case ID Card will be annulled? 


An ID Card will be annulled in case: 


  • One year has passed since the preparation of the document and the citizen has not taken away the document;
  • The document expired;
  • First name or last name changed; 
  • Inaccuracies were identified in the data. 

Qualified electronic signature with ID Card

Traditionally, the signing of a contract automatically implies physically signing a piece of paper at a certain location. An electronic identity card (ID Card), instead, enables a qualified electronic signature on an electronic document from anywhere in the world; and it is equivalent to a physical signature.


A qualified electronic signature certificate and a corresponding key are affixed to the electronic identity card. They ensure the protection of the electronic document in such a way that, on the one hand, it is possible to identify the signer and on the other – to automatically invalidate the signature in case of any changes to already signed document.


A qualified electronic signature erases all distances; signatories can be in different streets, in different cities, countries or continents and still be able to sign a document from anywhere in the world.


A qualified electronic signature can be used for all those services that require validation of a person's will, in particular, when signing contracts, submitting tax forms, etc.


For additional information about electronic ID Card visit - or 


Contact Information - (+99532) 2401010, (+995 32) 2405405